I am on a diet that is Paleo and Gluten free which makes it very hard to eat much of the Thanksgiving Dinner. So I tend to slip a little on my diet. After doing the diet, when I go to eat something that isn't Paleo or Gluten free, I really notice a difference in my digestive system. My stomach feels incredibly full, my guts hurt and I just don't feel very well. It is a great diet to be on, I feel healthier, I have more energy, and I know I'm cutting out a lot of unhealthy foods that I don't need.
My port that was placed in my arm lasted about 7 months until it became clogged with fibroids and the line showed I had leakage lower in the line by ultrasound. I couldn't push meds into the line and there was no way to get blood back. So back into surgery and I had that one removed and at the same time I had a new port put in, on the right side of my chest. The line is closer to my heart and sits lower into the Superior Vena Cava. My meds flow a lot nicer into the line and I can easily pull back in order to get blood.
I started on a medication called Metoprolol. It was prescribed to lessen my temors. My hands are shaky, my whole body shakes although you can't see it shaking. My body stiffens in order to stop the shaking and by doing this my body tires and I'm off to sleep. When I started the Metoprolol it really helped right away with the shakiness. I didn't feel shaky at all anymore. The medication worked great except that I was sleeping all day and all night, everyday. I would get up and walk Zachary to school and by the time I got home it felt like I had just run a marathon. Every muscle in my legs were sore and extremely tired. Off to sleep I went. Our nanny shows up at 9:00 so she would play with Ethan and then go pick Zachary up from school because I couldn't wake up enough to even get myself off of the couch. I then cut the dosage in half and it seemed to be really working, I was able to take and pick Zachary up from school, we would come home for lunch and then off to swimming lessons and some days we had hockey and had to leave by 4 and I was awake for the entire day which was huge! lol.
I recently stopped the Metoprolol because I started developing sleep talking, I don't mean just a little bit here and there, I mean I would be talking constantly all night long and I have no recollection of it other then Trevor saying he didn't get any sleep. I am also doing leg stretches and arm stretches, I get out of bed and turn the radio on, I go to my dresser and start picking out clothes, and at times I'm pushing Trevor trying to instantly wake him up because something is wrong. I will remember a short little piece of the night such as standing at the dresser but other then that I have no idea. So I mentioned this to the doctor because I don't want it to get out of hand and he suggested stopping the Metoprolol because that is probably what is causing it seems how I haven't really started anything new.
The last couple of weeks or so I have had a lot of bone pain. I get out of bed and it feels like I broke both of my ankles. Once I walk a bit they loosen up. I also have this pain in every bone in my feet, in my legs and also my hips and back. I'm really not sure what is causing all this pain all of a sudden. I thought maybe the pain would subside as well as the dreams when I stopped the medication Metoprolol. It hasn't yet!
Good thing I have a full pharmacy in my house! I added more of my Lorazepam in order to lessen the shakiness and I have Voltaren Emugel to rub on my feet and knees and where ever it is needed. Things have been feeling better but it is only a band aide for now.
I will be adding two more IV medications to my already large cocktail. I am adding Flagyl which is an IV antibiotic to rid bacteria from your body. The second IV is Amino Acids Nutrition which is a method of giving vitamins, minerals, and other natural substances directly into a patients bloodstream. It helps conditions such as hypertension, COPD, asthma, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, hepatitis and even the common cold. I am really hoping the Amino Acids help me. I have such trouble getting out to do things, I feel like I just don't want to leave the house, I would rather stay in bed or lay on the couch with a fuzzy blanket for the entire day. I have very little energy, I can walk Zachary to school and back and then I need a break because I'm too tired to do anything else. I feel very sluggish, my bones hurt and I feel tired all the time. I definitely need a pick me up! All of these meds that control my tremors and seizures calm me down and make me feel so relaxed I could sleep all day long. We will see, my medication should be here this week and I will be infusing either Friday or Saturday.
Wish me Luck!!!