I had my arm port put in Friday January 27, 2012 and wow it has been quite sore but is now finally recovering and the bruising is lessening. As of Monday February 6, I started my IV Rocephin which went very well. I had an injection of IV Rocephin at my appointment at Dr.Harris' office and by the time Trevor and I got into the vehicle I had a seizure so I was pretty scared to start the IV, but it went really well so I'm a happy girl and hoping that things are going to continue to get better. It's about staying positive and living life to the fullest while I can and hoping that one day I will be rid of this horrific disease. Writing this blog and showing everyone my writing and videos will hopefully help get others get diagnosed and treated with this disease much quicker than I did. It is finally being much more recognized by the medical fields but not recognized enough. I have helped many people get diagnosed and find doctors. Unfortunately the doctors who will treat this disease are all below the Canadian border. It is worth it to travel and find a doctor because I wouldn't wish this disease on anyone. It is awful, it makes you incredibly sick, breaks up families, drains you and everyone you know of any money they have. It's really sad.
The last day or two I have been feeling incredibly better. I have all of a sudden been able to take a few steps and now today I walked from my bedroom to the living room with a cane and then also using my walker. I know I sound like an old lady but having these gives me the opportunity to aide in my walking. I am so excited today because I have not used my brand new wheelchair that is pretty fancy and is even purple! But the real excitement comes in when being able to walk again. I'm hoping that starting more of my IV meds will not cause a herx reaction and take away my walking ability. I go pretty downhill in the emotional department when that happens. Cross my fingers and hope for the best.
I have a wonderful doctor now and I'm being tested for C.Difficile which it is highly likely that I do have this and if the test is positive then I have to go off all of my antibiotics and go on something to clear the C.Difficile up and then I can continue with my Lyme regime. We'll see what happens with that. Not a good thing, you can get it from taking so many antibiotics which of course I have for the past 3 1/2 years.
As of now I want to thank everyone for reading my blog and watching my video not to feel sorry for me but for you to recognize the signs and symptoms of Lyme disease and what you have to go through either to help yourself or recognize it in someone else. If caught early a couple months of Doxycycline will 90% cure you of the disease but in some cases the disease will continue. If anyone ever has any questions please email me at: charity.mcgill@gmail.com and I will be more than happy to chat with you.
Thank-you and God Bless